I Can Only Go Up From Here

A New Hampshire Yankee in Los Angeles. Will Oggy find fame and Fortune? Will Oggy get his car to run? Will Oggy even find a job? Probably not, but won't it be funny to read about how close he gets?

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lies in Marketing

There is a word for products that undergo radical changes every few months. That word is "Experiment"

Apple, IBM, Dell, are manufacturing and selling experiments.

You mights say the car is an experiment. Yes, it is a functional experiment, but it is also a bringer of death in many ways. IT is far from perfect. But it can be used while the designers work on the next stage.

Or course Oggy is insane for expecting manufacturers to voluntarily keep their products in the lab just because they are hazardous in every way. But Oggy would like to ask his fellow consumers to stop buying experiments.

A list of things that Oggy considers finished products (past the experiment phase) is as follows:

Uncoated copper wire
Sheets of Aluminum
A Violin
The Wheel
PVC pipe
Songs by The Beatles
Clay jugs

That's it. If you can create a computer out of those items then maybe we'll have something to work with. But until then a computer is an experiment and should not be purchased. Why fund more experiments? It's like paying a band to rehearse in front of an audience. They are supposed to rehearse on their own time. IBM should use their own money to create a computer that doesn't end up in a wok full of acid.