I Can Only Go Up From Here

A New Hampshire Yankee in Los Angeles. Will Oggy find fame and Fortune? Will Oggy get his car to run? Will Oggy even find a job? Probably not, but won't it be funny to read about how close he gets?

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Pointless Ridicule Continues on Movie Forum

In a surprising turn of events an old forum chat thread was reopened:
"Lethal Weapon III did not suck!"
wrote an author with screen name: madmaxTdome9000.
"You just didn't get it. Joe Pesci is a good actor. Perfect casting!"

Madmax apparently didn't notice that the thread had last been posted to in December of 1998, in the early days of internet forums.
The most recent post read, "What is this crap? 'Good?' NOBODY liked this movie. I was in the theater and not one person laughed. Joe Peci (sic) was awful. I don't know what Richard Donner was thinking."
God only knows what happened to the author, punkybrewster2, but the chances are slim she'll have the last word in this now decade long debate.