I Can Only Go Up From Here

A New Hampshire Yankee in Los Angeles. Will Oggy find fame and Fortune? Will Oggy get his car to run? Will Oggy even find a job? Probably not, but won't it be funny to read about how close he gets?

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dark days

Oggy must renounce this poisonous society. America breeds vain and shallow people. Oggy must sell his junk and move to a dusty desert. He will not live to the "all time high average" 79 years of age. What point is living to 79 if a decade of that is being rolled over in bed so a nurse can wash his sores? These pitiful statistics don't consider quality of life. Or what about quality of life of the caretakers? Is it every man's destiny to spend a decade supporting an invalid parent? And we aren't talking about school lunches and new sneakers. We're talking about $2800 a month in bills. On top of your own cost of living.

The mistakes of slavery and the industrial revolution have now caught up to us. These short term gains for a small minority will be the death of us all. Can technology save us? Not if the technology involves silicon chips and a near suicidal amount of toxic waste created. We can not save ourselves as long as the power of mass communication rests in the hands of the government. Free speech is a fraud...designed to allow the richest people to propagate their opinions. Yes, Oggy can write this blog, but can he distribute this blog? Yes, Oggy can give speeches on the street, but can he pay for a permit to give a speech at Yankee Stadium? No, but Bill Gates can. So whose message will survive?
Civilization is not a choice. This pile of shit called America is a product of 1) Greed 2) Obedience.
The greedy distribute their message of consumption=happiness.
The obedient consume and are never happy.

No one is innocent.

Now, do the ignorant and greedy and short sighted politicians believe that by sacrificing millions to an experiment that eventually Mankind will be super strong? Are they that foolish? Is years of living (in any condition) and wealth amassed the absolute measure of life? WalMart would have you think so. We've poisoned the air to exterminate mosquitoes, but we poisoned ourselves in the process. The theory is that Mankind will adapt and the mosquito will not. What madness is that? Of course the mosquito will adapt. It will adapt and it will multiply. As will men. But the decades of waste and strategy will never be reclaimed. We won the war against malaria, but just as many people died of lung cancer caused by the insecticide. So did we win?
No, so we move on to Cancer. Let's eradicate cancer. Let's cure the cancer we caused by battling malaria. Does that make sense? It definitely doesn't make sense when the methods we use to combat Cancer involve microchips that poison THE ENTIRE S.F. BAY GROUNDWATER!~
So now what do we do?
We haven't cured cancer but the technology that we think will help us has made it impossible to drink water...without risking getting cancer. What now? The cancer grows in Oggy's body. IS it prostate cancer? Lung cancer? Bowel cancer? will they cut cancer from Oggy's precious intestine? Will they hand his lung to Oggy in a ziploc baggy? Oggy would like to be diced up and allowed to eat himself. Maybe he could be kept on a machine until he is 79 years old. What a victory! What a defeat!

Now we need some serious technology to clean up the water...technology that will cause more problems. We may indeed cure some cancer, but it's obvious that in the process only some people will be able to afford the treatment and everyone will have to screen radioactive material out of their drinking water. So is that a victory?

It's been 150 years since slavery was abolished, yet there are more slaves on the planet today than ever. So was it abolished?
There are some mistakes that are fatal and importing slaves to cultivate a now obsolete fabric was one such mistake. It takes a long time to die from a mistake like that but it was fatal nevertheless. For what? The short term goal of a few English plantation owners in South Carolina. that's it. That's the mistake. People who are long dead. Their farms were burned to dust in 1867. The cotton is gone. But the mistake lives on.
And for the short term goal of being able to send email and pictures to people hundreds of miles away is now what we are trading our future for. NOTHING IMPORTANT. Petty petty luxuries. Car races. Explosions in movies. Calf brains in cream sauce. Disgusting animals rooting in our own shit, proudly pounding our chests every time we wipe our ass. Pathetic and useless, obsessed with trivialities.
"My job is useless but now I can do it faster" say the millions of doomed slaves.
Oggy is repulsed. What can be salvaged from this dung heap of rotting flesh? Nothing. It is all useless and self-obsessed. Man is a great bumbling clown, drunk on his own imagined prowess, laughing as the bombs fall and the skulls burst. "Look what we can do! We can wipe our own ass with the skin of the fallen! We are great! We are gods!"