I Can Only Go Up From Here

A New Hampshire Yankee in Los Angeles. Will Oggy find fame and Fortune? Will Oggy get his car to run? Will Oggy even find a job? Probably not, but won't it be funny to read about how close he gets?

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The cast of Characters

Oggy-Yankee from New Hampshire. Too Thin. Sick. Likes to sleep.

George-Owner of House. Sick. Gay (or would be if he weren't so sick) Nearly penniless. Loves his four dogs (see below).

Dagmar-Part time housemaid. Lives in an orange chevy van on the street. Pees in a bucket. Takes care of two dogs. Once dated Lee Majors. Presently out of favor for stealing George's watch.

John-One time housemate. Built a Disco in back room. Decorated it with cocaine. Was split up with wife but now back together. Stole Oggy's boogie board when he moved out.

Gary-legally blind man who is in love with Dagmar. Gave her the van to sleep in. Looks like John Denver would look if he got out of his coffin and was set on fire.

Woofy-Mother Dog

Petey-Father dog Pit Bull Boxer. (Genetically bred)

Missy-Sister of Petey. Quietly awaits death.

Jane-Young puppy of Woofy and Petey. A terror. Shits everywhere but outside. Deserves every beating that Oggy gives her.

Masa-Japanese Sushi Chef who replaced John in back room. Replaced cocaine with pot. Surfs. Could be bi-curious.