I Can Only Go Up From Here

A New Hampshire Yankee in Los Angeles. Will Oggy find fame and Fortune? Will Oggy get his car to run? Will Oggy even find a job? Probably not, but won't it be funny to read about how close he gets?

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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Looking for apartments

Not that anyone would care, but the rental market in Santa Monica and Venice has reached a fucking frenzied state. IT is total war and I'm no soldier to do battle. People bidding on apartments. Lies. Murder. In Santa Monica they take the term "Yard" literally. A couple blades of grass becomes "Big grassy field for kids and pets" in the description. Total shit. A dining room with no doors or electrical outlets becomes "Optional third bedroom" in the listing. Nice. When they say "Laundry available" they mean that somewhere in Santa Monica you can pay to have someone wash your clothes. Thanks for the tip.
Oggy has plenty of time to find a place...three days.
George offered Oggy a place near the washing machine. This location currently smells so bad. Jane pissed there because it is raining and George got drunk and no one let the dog out. She pissed and soaked the rug and George, in his wisdom, brough out a bucket of water and a straw broom. He soaked the area, spread the water around with the broom and then threw friday's LA times on the spot "To soak up the pee."
This might work if someone ever took the piss soaked paper outside. But this just gets covered up with more paper. At night the rats come out to chew up the piss soaked paper to use as their winter home. Their winter home is in the attic where Oggy imagines dozens of rats and squirrels and mice having all sorts of parties and fun all night.
If Oggy does not find a place in the next three days then that will become his bed.
Is Oggy nervous? No. Because he have a car and he will make it work.
He is Oggy Bleacher and Oggy doesn't give up.